Tuesday, October 30, 2007

U.S. Must Reject Law of the Sea Treaty

Many people are not aware that in the next couple of weeks the U.S. Senate is going to vote on whether the U.S. should ratify the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST). If the U.S. ratifies this treaty we will be subjecting ourselves to the sovereignty of the United Nations when it comes to maritime issues. This treaty is not in the best interest of the United States, as you will see below.

For some reason, the Bush Administration originally rejected the ratification of the Law of the Sea, but is now pushing for immediate ratification. President Reagan, and every subsequent President rejected the Law of the Sea Treaty. It is important for us to do a letter and phone campaign to the Senate to let them know how the people feel about this treaty.

We were able to convince the Senate that the people did not want them to approve the immigration bill, and we can do the same with this ill-advised treaty. We have the power to let the Senate know that we do not want this treaty ratified. Read below to find out about LOST.


The U.S. Must Reject LOST

The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea - commonly known at the Law of the Sea Treaty, or LOST - is the darling project of the transnational progressives, or "transies."

Their goal is nothing less than the establishment of world government at the expense of traditional sovereignty.

Unfortunately, the Bush Administration has decided to push for immediate ratification of this fatally-flawed accord. This is a monumental and dangerous policy shift.

See below for the problems with LOST and how the U.S. will relinquish sovereignty to the United Nations if it ratifies the Treaty. For complete information, go to this web site.

President Reagan explicitly rejected the Law of the Sea Treaty in 1982. We should do the same today.

For comments on LOST from other organizations:

The Heritage Foundation

Cato Foundation

Competitive Enterprise Institute

Related Articles:

Law of the Sea Treaty Doesn't Hold Water - World Net Daily

Conservatives mobilize against LOST - Human Events


Problems with LOST

As part of its efforts to increase public and political awareness of the Law of the Sea Treaty's serious defects, the Coalition to Preserve American Sovereignty has put together several point papers that document the treaty's egregious and dangerous shortcomings.

Each of the point papers provides background information on the relevant subject matter, dissects the arguments of treaty proponents, and then documents LOST's most worrisome provisions, often with language from the treaty itself.

The point papers can be found here.

Contact Your Senators!!

Get involved and educate your Senators about the harmful effects of the Law of the Sea Treaty. Click here to see ten issues of concern raised by the treaty. We encourage you to write a brief e-mail to your Senators highlighting several of the points in this document.

While original letters are most effective, click here for language and formatting suggestions.

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