Thursday, September 27, 2007

Beat to quarters and secure the deck for action!

Most of building the Nautilus is flat-panel work. When you decide to adopt this view, the task becomes far less daunting. The remaining tricky part of this stage is getting the angles and dimensions properly planned out. That's what's in progress now and will soon be enhance via a new CAD program.

In the meantime, I am ordering the parts that are be beyond my present sculpting skills regardless of CAD help.

From Reviresco:

These doors will be part of the Pilot house, Nemo's cabin, Salon/Museum, Library, Engine room, and the Diving chamber.

I mainly needed two of the Engine Order Telegraph pieces; one will go in the Pilot house and the other in the Engine room.

From The London War Room

These doors will be used for the smaller "port and starboard" rooms that are not designated with a letter (seen a few posts ago).